Stock Number Brand Model Size Status Short Description Price USD
10442 Eagle N/A N/A SOLD Eagle air systems high pressure fill station. $1,695
10592 Mako N/A N/A SOLD Mako high pressure fill station. RECONDITIONED with new pressure gauges etc. $1,995
99901 Kaeser N 60-G 3 HP SOLD RECONDITIONED Kaeser Model N60-G Booster Compressor. Please Contact
11754 Mako ACI05-E1 7 1/2 HP REBUILT REBUILT Mako 7-1/2 HP Mako high pressure SCBA breathing air compressor (230/1/60) $9,975
11470 Ingersoll Rand 7T2 10 HP SOLD RECONDITIONED Ingersoll Rand, model 7T2 medium pressure air compressor. 21.6 CFM @ 500 PSIG $6,295
11662 Ingersoll-Rand 7T2 10 HP READY TO SHIP REBUILT Ingersoll-Rand Model 7T2, 500 PSIG compressor block $4,995
11644 Ingersoll Rand 15T2 15 HP SOLD RECONDITIONED Ingersoll Rand Model 15T2 medium pressure air compressor. 30.8 CFM @ 1000 PSIG $7,495
11699 Ingersoll-Rand H15T4 15 HP CONTACT US RECONDITIONED Ingersoll-Rand, model H15T4, 15 HP, four-stage high pressure air compressor $19,750
11703 Ingersoll-Rand H15T4 15 HP CONTACT US RECONDITIONED Ingersoll-Rand H15T4, 15 HP four-stage, high pressure, air compressor $19,750
11704 Ingersoll-Rand H15T4 15 HP CONTACT US RECONDITIONED Ingersoll-Rand H15T4, 15 HP, four-stage, high pressure, air compressor $19,750
11734 Sauer 4P45L 15 HP NEW SURPLUS NEW SURPLUS Sauer Model 4P45L, 15 HP, medium pressure air compressor $25,500
10605 Ingersoll-Rand H15T4 17 CFM/5000 PSIG SOLD    RECONDITIONED Ingersoll Rand diesel engine driven high pressure air compressor package $18,750
11676A Hycomp AN17D-H33321-AJMVAOO 20 HP SOLD AS NEW 20 HP Hycomp Model AN17 oil-free gas booster compressor $28,750
11676B Hycomp AN17D-H33321-AJMVAOO 20 HP SOLD AS NEW 20 HP Hycomp model AN17 oil-free gas booster compressor $28,750
11753 Ingersoll Rand H15T4X20 20 HP RECONDITIONED RECONDITIONED Ingersoll Rand high pressure air compressor (5000 PSIG) $19,995
11765 Ingersoll Rand/Scott/Hush Patriot H15T6 20 HP RECONDITIONED RECONDITIONED Ingersoll Rand/Scott/Hush Patriot 6000 PSIG SCBA compressor package $24,750
11692 LMF V16/4411 L25 25 HP SOLD AS NEW 25 HP LMF Model V16/4411 L25 high pressure air or inert gas compressor. $24,500
11693 LMF V16/4411 L25 25 HP FEATURED AS NEW 25 HP LMF Model V16/4411 L25 high pressure air compressor. $19,500
11694 LMF V16/4411 L25 25 HP FEATURED AS NEW 25 HP LMF Model V16/4411 L25 high pressure air compressor $16,995
11025 CompAir Mako 5408BAD 30 CFM/5000 PSIG SOLD    RECONDITIONED CompAir-Mako model 5409 diesel engine driven high pressure air compressor package $14,995
11663 Sauer 81L 30 HP SOLD AS NEW 30 hp Sauer model 81L, three stage, medium pressure air and inert gas compressor. 52 SCFM at 640 PSIG $19,500
10523 Deltech 1045 40 CFM SOLD Deltech High Pressure Breathing Air Purifier $1,795
11702 CompAir 5417 40 HP CONTACT US RECONDITIONED CompAir Model 5417, water-cooled, 4 stage, high pressure air and inert gas compressor, 37 CFM at 5000 PSIG $32,750
11698 Vector 6100 Series 40 HP SOLD RECONDITIONED Vector 6100 Series air and inert gas booster compressor $19,995
11582 CompAir 5336 40 HP FEATURED RECONDITIONED CompAir-Mako model 5336 water-cooled, three-stage medium pressure air and inert gas compressor. 61 CFM @ 1235 PSIG $33,750
11695 Sauer 121L 50 HP SOLD NEW SURPLUS Sauer Model 121L, 50 HP, three stage, medium pressure air and inert compressor rated for a nominal capacity of 78 CFM at 580 PSIG $34,500
11573 CompAir 5436 75 HP SOLD RECONDITIONED CompAir model 5436 water cooled, high pressure air and inert gas compressor. 75 CFM @ 5000 PSIG $34,995
11681 LMF V17/5518L35K 75 HP READY TO SHIP RECONDITIONED LMF model V17/5518L35K air-cooled, high pressure air compressor $36,500
11691 CompAir-Mako 5436 75 HP SOLD RECONDITIONED CompAir-Mako model 5436 high pressure air and inert gas compressor rated for 75 CFM @ 5000 PSIG $39,500
11670 Sauer WP311L 100 HP SOLD AS NEW Sauer 100 HP high pressure air compressor $39,500